What types of agents can sell on Georgia Access?
Accident & Sickness licensed agents who plan to sell on-Exchange health or dental insurance plans or Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP) plans beginning OE 2025 can sell on Georgia Access. Georgia Access is not relevant to certified agents who sell other types of insurance, including those who sell Life & Annuity Insurance, Property & Casualty Insurance, and/or Medicare.
If an agent completed the Federally-facilitated Exchange (FFE) agent training for Plan Year (PY) 2025, do they also need to complete the Georgia Access certification training?
Yes. All agents who plan to sell on-Exchange health or dental insurance plans or SHOP plans in Georgia beginning OE 2025 must complete the Georgia Access certification training. The training is available at certification.georgiaaccess.gov.
How do agents enroll consumers in on-Exchange Qualified Health Plans (QHPs)?
Agents may enroll consumers through Georgia Access in one of two ways for PY 2025:
- EDE Partner platform. EDE Partners include both web brokers and insurance companies. Agents can enroll consumers using an online portal offered by a Georgia Access web broker or insurance company. A full list of web brokers and insurance companies is available on the Georgia Access EDE partner webpage.
- Georgia Access agent portal. Agents can enroll consumers using the Georgia Access agent portal. This portal is provided free-of-charge for agents to maintain their BoB, enroll consumers, and submit tickets to the Georgia Access contact center. All certified agents are encouraged to activate a profile on the Georgia Access agent portal to receive commissions, regardless of which portal they choose to use for consumer enrollment.
Note: On Georgia Access, agents can continue to use the same web broker or insurance company platform of choice for consumer enrollment that they did on Healthcare.gov. Certified agents may establish appointments with multiple web brokers and/or insurance companies and can also use the Georgia Access agent portal for enrollment. Agents must obtain these appointments within 15 days of the sale of an insurance product.
What are Georgia Access’s requirements for obtaining and documenting consumer consent?
Georgia Access requires certified agents to obtain and document consumer consent prior to:
- Providing consumer support
- Collecting Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
- Making changes to a consumer’s application
Certified agents are required to document consumer consent but may record and collect consumer consent in the format of their choice. Agents may use the Georgia Access Consumer Consent form for agents, but it is not required. Verbal consent is also permitted, but the verbal consent must be captured by the agent in an audio recording.
The Georgia Access Consumer Consent form is available in English and Spanish. The forms are available HERE.