For 2025 health insurance coverage, there are only two types of exemptions which allow you to enroll in a Catastrophic Plan if you do not meet the age requirement. Catastrophic Health Plans are high-deductible plans that are only available to consumers under 30 years of age. If you want to enroll in a Catastrophic Health Plan but are 30 years or older, you must apply for either an affordability or a hardship exemption to enroll.
Please note, Bronze-level Plans typically provide more health care benefits at a similar cost as Catastrophic Plans and do not have an age limit.
Hardship Exemptions
If you experienced one of the following circumstances that prevented you from enrolling in health coverage, you are eligible to receive a hardship exemption to enroll in a Catastrophic Health Plan:
- You were homeless.
- You were evicted or facing eviction or foreclosure.
- You got a shut-off notice from a utility company.
- You experienced domestic violence.
- You experienced a death of a family member.
- You experienced a natural or human-caused disaster.
- You filed for bankruptcy.
- You had medical expenses you could not pay, resulting in debt.
- You experienced unexpected increases in necessary expenses to care for a family member.
- You claim a child as a tax dependent who was denied Medicaid or PeachCare for Kids®.
- Your appeal decision occurred when you were not enrolled in a qualified plan.
- You experience another hardship not otherwise specified above.
Affordability Exemptions
If you experienced one of the following circumstances, you are eligible to receive an affordability exemption:
- The lowest-cost Bronze Plan available on Georgia Access in your county would cost you more than the affordability threshold set by the IRS based on your estimated income. Please note, this is a rare circumstance.
- The insurance offered by your employer for a self-only plan or a family plan would cost you more than the affordability threshold set by the IRS based on your estimated income.
How do I apply for an exemption?
You must download the applicable exemption request form and submit it to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). Upon receipt, CMS will either approve or deny the request. If approved, you will be issued an Exemption Certificate Number (ECN). You must use the Georgia Access consumer portal or call the Georgia Access contact center to enter your ECN, complete your application, and enroll in a Catastrophic Health Plan.