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An official website of the State of Georgia.


Consumer Appeals Process

If you believe that Georgia Access made an eligibility determination in error, or delayed in providing a determination, you have the right to appeal the decision within 90 days from the date of the Eligibility Determination Notice (EDN). For immigration-related issues, you have 95 days from the date of the EDN to file an appeal with Georgia Access.

If you have questions about your results, ask before filing an appeal. You can contact the Georgia Access contact center at 888-687-1503 (TTY Line 771) at any time to understand your results

How do I submit a consumer appeal?

Download the Georgia Access Consumer Appeal Request Form, fill out the request, and provide supplemental documentation. You can submit your appeal in three ways:

  • Online through your Georgia Access account.
  • Online in the same manner you applied (i.e., your certified agent, web broker, or insurance company).
  • By mail to:
    • Georgia Access Contact Center
      Attn: Consumer Appeal Request
      PO Box 12264 Birmingham, AL 35202

What can I expect after submitting my appeal?

A Georgia Access contact center representative will review your submitted request and contact you to try to resolve the issue. The vast majority of appeal requests are resolved by explaining the policy and clarifying the eligibility results. If you are not able to resolve the issue through this process, or after reviewing the policy you still believe the determination was made in error, you can request to have a hearing. Your appeal request will be sent to the Administrative Procedure Division (APD) and a hearing will be scheduled with a Hearing Officer. You will receive a notice from APD with the date and time of your hearing. The Hearing Officer will listen to the information presented in the case by you and Georgia Access. You will receive a notice from APD informing you of the decision made by the Hearing Officer.